Immerse Worship Camp is a live event normally held each July at Continental Theological Seminary in Brussels. However, due to COVID-19 related issues, we will offer Immerse Part 1 as a virtual event rather than a live one. Our hope is to offer a Part 2 as a live one-day event in October 2021.
Immerse 2021 will be held July 19-21 from 19:00-21:30 Central European Time.
To register on our Eventbrite page, click here.
The schedule and content for Immerse Part 1 are as follows:
19:00-19:15: Welcome & Worship
19:15-19:55: Lessons Learned from Lockdown
Part 1: Worship Presentation (July 19)
In this session, we discuss lessons we can learn from the past year in quarantine regarding the presentation of our worship services. Many of us have never recorded video of our services. Looking back over these videos can provide valuable information for improving our presentation in the areas of: stage presence, sound quality, arrangements, song choices, transitions and worshiping ‘to a camera’.
Teachers: Panel Discussion
Part 2: We Need Each Other (July 20)
In this session, we’ll discuss a lesson that lockdown reinforced: we really do need each other. God put within us a longing to be together, enjoy social interaction and community. During lockdown, we learned that without this social interaction and community, life is lonelier, less productive and can even lead to depression and other mental health issues.
Teacher: Jim Young, Cornerstone Church, Jackson, Mississippi
Part 3: Listening to God’s Voice vs. The Crowd (July 21)
In this session, we’re going to talk about how to hear God’s voice above all of the noise and confusion of the world. During the COVID lockdown, we saw a tsunami of different messages coming from our governments, the news media, social media and our friends. It was difficult to know what – or who – to believe. Never before have we needed to know how to hear the voice of God above the voice of the crowd. In this session, we’ll share tips on how to do that.
Teacher: Bryan Grisham, Word of God Ministries, Shreveport, Louisiana
19:55-20:15: Small Group Discussions
After each ‘Lesson Learned from Lockdown,’ we will break up into small groups by language and a host will guide a discussion on the teaching topic.
20:15-21:00: Workshops
Workshops are a highlight of Immerse each year and this year will be no different. We will offer separate band and vocal workshops Monday and Tuesday night and a ‘Team Dynamics’ workshop on Wednesday night in which the Immerse teaching team will lead in some interactive sessions to help us learn how to better work together as team.
21:00-21:30: Our Theme: Graves into Gardens
Over the past year, we’ve all experienced loss. Whether that’s the loss of a loved one, a job or even the loss of being able to spend time with family and friends, it’s been a hard year and we’ve had to grieve these losses. Our theme focuses on the Biblical promises that God will turn our mourning into dancing, our sorrows into joy and our darkness into light. He will bring us from graves of loss to gardens of hope! We pray that teaching from this theme will encourage you as you and your church move into a new season of ministry.
Speaker: Robert Marshall, Utah, USA
21:30: Adjourn
Important Information
* Registration for Immerse Part I is open now through July 18.
* The ticket costs per person is €15 + a small service fee through Eventbrite
* To register on our Eventbrite page, click here.
* If you have any questions, please email Jeff at: [email protected]