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z-The Teaching Team

Angela Greenwood, Jim Young and Jeff Slaughter are part of the Immerse 2022 teaching team.

If you’ve attended Immerse before, you will see some familiar names on the teaching team list – as well as some new ones.

If this is your first Immerse, you will enjoy getting to know our teachers who are worshippers, expert teachers, translators and speakers as well as accomplished musicians and vocalists.

We are all are looking forward to serving you at Immerse 2022!

Here is your Immerse 2020 teaching team:

Angela Greenwood, El Puerto de Santa Maria, Spain
Annayiz Goutier, Brussels Belgium
Janet Faggart, Denton, Texas, USA
Jeff Slaughter, Brussels, Belgium
Jim Young, Jackson, Mississippi, USA
Jonathan Saporito, Brussels, Belgium
Jordan and Holly Robbins, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
Matt Swanton, Victoria, Australia
Paul Vansteenkiste and Britney Huysman, Brussels, Belgium
Pedro Sousa, Lisbon, Portugal
Rachelle Tonon, Hondelange, Belgium
Zach Lowrie, Hoorn, The Netherlands