ConVerge Andalusia 2022
10:00-11:30: Worship/Message
Theme ‘Same God’
11:30-12:30: Team Dynamics
Activities designed to teach team building, how to work with different personality styles, etc.
12:30-2:00: Breakouts (participants choose one)
Discipling Your Team & Raising up the Next Generation
* How to disciple your worship team
* How to raise up the next generation of worship leaders
Worship Songwriting
* Demystifying the art of songwriting
* Tips for writing worship songs.
* Learning to flow in ‘Spirit-led worship’.
How To Flourish in Your God-Given Creative Gifts
This breakout will help answer such questions as:
* What are creative gifts and why are they important?
* What 8 mindsets can block your creative gifts?
* What 6 tools can help cultivate your creative gifts?
* Where can your creative gifts take you?
2:00-3:30: Lunch
3:30-4:45: Workshops
Band Workshop
Band members would get hands-on coaching from the teaching team in such as areas: learning the role of each instrument; listening to each other and learning to create space; dynamics (softs and louds); how to start and stop a song as well as how to flow from one to the other.
Vocal Workshop
Vocalists would learn how and why they should warm up their voices; blending techniques; how to use microphones; stage presence; what their role is on the team. They would learn a new song together.
Solo Instrument Workshop
We will have a special workshop for those who play solo instruments such as violin, viola, saxophone, flute etc. Here we will talk about how and when to use these instruments during worship times, “practicing” spontaneous moments, and dynamics when playing in a group.
Sound Workshop
There will be a workshop for sound technicians, with an opportunity to ask questions.
4:45-5:00: Coffee Break
5:00-6:00: Putting It Together
Time to rehearse a song altogether using the skills and techniques we’ve discussed in other sessions during the day.
6:00: Questions & Answers / Closing Worship / Prayer
6:30: Adjourn